Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hard working kids

The next time you see a group of young people sauntering down the street, heads bobbing this way and that, baseball caps all askew, baggy pants hanging around their shins, listening to hip hop music so loud their ears are bleeding, well the next time you see such a group and say to yourself, what has become of the hard working youth I have just one word for you: restaurant.

That's right sports fans. The next time you are out at your favorite eatery take a look behind the curtain, take a peek in the back room and my guess is you'll find those young folks working their butts to the bone.

I've watched one such kitchen close up now for about two months and I must tell you what I have observed is truly astounding.

The work ethic these kids have today would put most other professions to shame. They work long hours, and they work hard. These kids are reliable, trustworthy and just get about their job. Period. No whining, no complaining, just quiet intensity of effort.

Watch one of these kitchens sometime: it is as Patrick Gilgallon once explained it to me, an exercise in choreography to be sure but more than that. The focus is intense, the willingness to go above and beyond the proverbial call of duty commonplace. The handshakes are firm and the smiles genuine.

A great way to start out your life I should think.

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